Thai Translation of Coming Off Meds Guide!

First Aired: 02-09-2015 -- 2 comments | Add comment


A translator from Thailand volunteered many hours of work to translate the Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs into Thai! I am deeply appreciative…

You can download the file, and other translations of the Guide, at

and at

This is an extraordinary service to Thailand and to Thai speakers around the world. The translator is remaining anonymous due to the extreme psychiatric violence that is routine in Thailand, but sent this statement:

The Thai translation of the guide was inspired by a Thai person who went through forced treatment of the mainstream psychiatry and was traumatized because no one listened to her real cause that lay in her mind, but instead people around her judged her superficially and wanted a quick fix. She has learned about the alternative psychiatry and was deeply afraid of the ignorant medical practice and drug use. She deeply wants the mainstream psychiatry to be transformed into compassionate non-judgemental listening and holistic treatment.

2 comments on “Thai Translation of Coming Off Meds Guide!

  1. This is GREAT that ‘Coming Off Meds’ is translated into Thai! The guide is very helpful and hopeful, so it’s good it can be in as many languages as possible!

  2. Somehow I hope to contact this dear Thai lady. There are other people same as you in Thailand want to talk, meet for support.


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