Healing Sex: Staci Haines

First Aired: 07-01-2012 -- 8 comments | Add comment
Author Staci Haines

Childhood sexual abuse is pervasive in our society, leaving lifelong wounds that affect men as well as women. Is it enough to hold perpetrators accountable, or are there deeper causes of abuse? Do police, courts, and child protection services help heal — or lead to more trauma? And how can body-oriented approaches move beyond the limits of talk therapy?

Child sexual abuse survivor Staci Haines, author of Healing Sex: A Mind-Body Approach to Healing Sexual Trauma and co-founder of Generation Five, discusses transformative justice and liberating society from child abuse.


Staci Haines, Integrating Personal and Social Transformation from Luminific.com on Vimeo.

8 comments on “Healing Sex: Staci Haines

  1. Hi
    I am a survivor of child sex abuse in care in scotland.
    I am a member of http://www.incas.org.uk and I would like to ask you to get people to sign a petition I have created. I have brain damage due to Pin Down as a child and adult. Pin Down also serves as illegal human drug testing while at the same time gagging children and adults preventing us from making sense of what has happened to us.
    Children died in care with me at two seperate homes and these drugs continue to cause fatalities and severe disablement in victims of abuse.
    if you could share the letter composed by Change.org so that more people can see the petition and sign it I would be very grateful.
    I have also posted a recording on you tube showing that the Scottish government’s justice minister Kenny MacAskill is in no way intent on allowing Justice for survivors of child sex abuse, Pin Down and all other abuses that survivors were subjected to in child care especially. Here is the link. I would also like to have the subject of the recording discussed on Tele-Vision and other web based forums blogs etc…
    Andrew Buchan
    I just created a petition: The Scottish European and United Kingdom Parliaments: END THE TIME BAR FOR HISTORICAL CHILD ABUSE AND ILLEGAL HUMAN DRUG TESTING, because I care deeply about this very important issue.
    I’m trying to collect 100 signatures, and I could really use your help.
    To read more about what I’m trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
    It will just take a minute!
    Once you’re done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots campaigns succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!

  2. Hi There
    I am meeting with an MSP on the 26th of July 2012 at 11:30 am. The venue is The Scottish Parliament and the host is Alison Johnstone. The issues that are to be discussed are Child and adult exploitation by The Catholic and Protestant Churches The Home office The NHS and private corporations such as Eli Lilly and Novartis and Glaxo Smith Kline and other institutions-organisations and individuals.
    The main points relating to the above to be discussed will be inequality through denial of freedom of thought expression and justice as this will be a point for the start of the abolition of slavery in the UK.
    The exploitations range from child and adult sex abuse incorporating slavery and prostitution and pornography to Vivisection by means of Pin Down by defamation of character and the labelling of the non compliant victims with mental disorders to facilitate the treatment with harmful Medications so denying them any credibility. The practices of Pin Down have in my actual experiences resulted in the deaths of two children, but there are more child and adult fatalities that have been mostly unreported.
    I am mainly for the rights of the individual but I apply my experiences to this presently as I am also a surviving victim of the abuses mentioned above and presently this is my speciality.
    Should you consider these issues to be worthy of any interest and the event worthy of participation you can contact me more directly on 073.
    Your participation will be appreciated on the day as other surviving victims will be there and they could do with the support. I am aware that your institution, as you are made up from a diverse collection of activists, will have many conflicts of interests relating to the experiences of all of the surving and deceased victims of these abuses but I would like you to bear in mind that the rights of the Individual in law and nature applies to all.
    Yours Austerely
    Andy Buchan

  3. And the damage gets expressed in “a child not being born”???
    What about the pain of the survivor?
    Hardly ever heard anything as inconsiderate as this.

    1. I know of Staci Haines’ Generative Somatics work and highly respect it, so I was surprised by the writer’s comment. I wanted to hear it for myself in context, so I listened for it in the interview, but did not hear it. Still, I could have missed it. Perhaps Anonymous could reply with the time mark of when it was said, or what the context was when it was said.

    2. I think you misheard. She says “A baby is not born as a sex offender”

  4. wow. very insulting to all who have experienced violence.

    1. I agree that whenever I hear anyone insist that making friends with or forgiving the offender is the only way to heal, I also get angry and think it is very insulting and damaging. I would like to hear more of the details of how you understood Staci to say that, and what you thought and felt of that.
      I hope it’s ok for me to say what I understood Staci to say, because I heard something very different in the interview. I heard that the survivor needs to “regain safety and healing and choice.” Nothing about making friends with the rapist.
      But I did hear Staci insist that the offender must, first, not still be harming anyone. Then that they need to be humanized and accountable. And that is as much for potential victims as for themselves–she points out that an offender kept isolated and allowed to be in denial will more likely re-offend. Re-building safe relationships, empathy and accountability decrease the likelihood of re-offending.
      I especially appreciated that Staci talked about needing to look at how society creates this epidemic, and how to change it at that level, in addition to the individual level. As Staci put it, no one is born an offender. I also appreciated Will pointing out that the current approach of isolating and punishing convicted offenders falls disproportionately on low-income people who can’t afford fancy lawyers to get them off.
      Transformative Justice also makes big sense in many communities of color, where an alternative is needed to calling police and involving the legal system–both of which have been felt to be enforcers of racism, and not help to the communities. Especially where sexual abuse has been a huge part of historical trauma through slavery and jim crow, or boarding schools, etc., it does not make sense for the community to turn over members of the community who are victims-turned-abusers for more racist abuse, but to help them heal.

    2. Thanks for your comments … makes me more prepared if I choose to listen to this.


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