Compassionate Psychotherapy | Olga Runciman | Madness Radio

First Aired: 09-28-2018 -- 1 comment | Add comment

How is psychotherapy different when the therapist is also a survivor? What vital lessons must therapists learn from people who have experienced psychosis? If therapy is an imbalance of power between therapist and patient, how can therapists avoid the misuse of power and protect clients from harm? Olga Runciman, voice hearer, psychiatric nurse in locked wards, and survivor of a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, brings her experience with recovery to her work as a psychotherapist in private practice.

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One comment on “Compassionate Psychotherapy | Olga Runciman | Madness Radio

  1. This is a fantastic podcast. Will, I love what you say about the parent’s coming in and meeting you and shaking your hand and smiling and then the son comes in and does none of the above. I completely agree that so many “MH professionals” listen to the parents and what they have to say about their experience of their son’s experience, etc… and the importance of taking the time to focus on the individual and asking where s/he would like to sit, or not sit and stand, etc….
    I find so often the discomfort and rigidity of the family group conceals or twists where the real need is. Over and over this is something I encounter. I want to do my best to help the person who is disempowered to feel okay. That they have strengths and positive qualities and what they have to express is important (and interesting).

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