Recovery and Diagnosis: Lisa Darbyshire

First Aired: 12-01-2009 -- 3 comments | Add comment
Recovery Learning Communicty

How can a chaotic and oppressive family life lead to trauma and extreme states? Do medications and diagnosis provide help, or can they make things worse?

Psychiatric abuse survivor Lisa Darbyshire, Massachusetts organizer with the Freedom Center and the Recovery Learning Community, discusses her personal experiences of hospitalization and recovery, including the struggle with learned helplessness and dependence.

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3 comments on “Recovery and Diagnosis: Lisa Darbyshire

  1. Thank you Lisa and Will for articulating the effects of oppression/social control. Paranoia inducing treatment.

  2. Thank you Lisa and Will for articulating the effects of oppression/social control. Paranoia inducing treatment…what an important concept in addressing the reality that being coerced adds to the distress, and it’s not all engendered from internal biochemical imbalances/brain disease.

  3. This was an incredibly informative program. Lisa Darbyshire is so articulate and a brilliant young woman. Thank you both, -janice

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