Human Rights in India | Bhargavi Davar | Madness Radio

First Aired: 06-07-2016 -- 3 comments | Add comment

How does the legacy of colonialism affect mental health in India? Are women’s rights, spiritual freedom, and ant-colonialism intertwined? Do women who choose a path of spiritual renunciation have the same freedom as men? Where are human rights more respected: in traditional temples, or in hospital locked wards?

Bhargavi Davar’s mother Bapu was a psychiatric abuse survivor persecuted for her religious devotion. Bapu’s struggle inspired Bhargavi to found the Bapu Trust, where she leads advocacy for mental health reform and community development throughout Asia. Bhargavi is also a lead organizer with INTAR, the International Network Towards Alternatives for Recovery.

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3 comments on “Human Rights in India | Bhargavi Davar | Madness Radio

  1. This is not a very important comment, but still I would like to correct something. Bhargavi Davar mentions (arount 42 min.) Indonesia as one of the countries who do not have a colonial legacy. Indonesia was colonized for 400 years by the Dutch.

  2. Hi Grietje,

    I meant that Indonesia was not colonized by the British. Our condition in India, and other commonwealth nations, with respect to mental health legislation and institutions, is peculiarly Anglo-Saxon. In terms of scope of law or in terms of universal application across several, nearly all, life domains, the anglo-saxon laws are unsurpassed. This is our peculiar colonial curse and long term trauma. Policies are frozen by these frames from old times.

  3. A powerful, personal narrative. You have spoken with such composure of scary and difficult events and experiences.thank you for sharing your story.

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